Saturday, September 20, 2008

Reaching Greater Heights Again

Kevin and I decided to hike to the top of Mt. Olympus again today. We figured it would probably be the last or close to the last time to hike it this year. We're afraid the weather will not be nice up there much longer. Today there were a few thunder storms in the afternoon, but the morning was nice and cloudy. Perfect for hiking. We started hiking about 6:10 AM and got back down at 11:40 AM. It was beautiful just like all the other times, but slightly more so with the shade from the clouds and the cool breeze. I hope we can do it again soon. If not, we will have to wait until the end of next June. Such a long time to wait! :(

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hiking Mt. Olympus

This last Saturday two of my brothers and my good friend April hiked up most of Mt. Olympus. We made it to the saddle (which some may say that can be considered as the top). The last part is where you have to climb, (literally climb) on your feet, your knees and your hands up big boulders and rocks for what usually takes about a half hour going up about 600 feet from the saddle. My dear sweet April did not have very much energy and time was slipping away so we decided not to make the last climb. I will be the first to admit though that, that is not an easy hike! However, it was beautiful! Absolutely beautiful!

I have always had an interest in rock climbing, so I haven’t been able to get the image of that last 500 feet out of my mind. What to do… Well, I decided I am going to hike it again this Saturday. Those who are crazy are coming with me. One of my brothers is definitely coming along and my other brother said he has to think about it. Matt is also coming. He has only come on one hike with us this year. I am excited that he will be able to experience it! He is not too enthused over the idea that we will be hiking for about six hours, but I’m glad he’s coming. This time I will take pictures. I took my camera last time, filled it with freshly recharged batteries, and two spare ones just incase. It turns out that the freshly recharged batteries were placed in the charger wrong so I ended up having four cold dead batteries. Bummer! I will make sure to share the pictures this next time around and tell you how it goes!